Give a One-Time Contribution to Help Us Achieve Our Goals.
In order for the IWEC Foundation to continue our work and grow the network, hold annual conferences, and create more opportunities for international business growth for women, the organization must be financially sustainable.
The IWEC Foundation is a 501c(3) not-for-profit in the United States. As such, all U.S. companies are able to declare a 100% tax deduction.
Donations start at $25, using MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover. Simply click on the “Donate” button to get started.
If you prefer to send a check, please mail your donation to:
IWEC Foundation
54 W. 40th Street, Suite 1117
New York, NY 10018
You will receive an email receipt once your donation has been received. Please make sure to read the refund policy.
And if you are an Amazon shopper, please shop through AmazonSmile where a portion of your purchase payments will go directly to the IWEC Foundation!
Thank you in advance for your contribution and your belief in the IWEC Foundation’s mission!